Looking for more information on our early research?
Below is a list of early publications from our studies. You can find and download these publications in the Resources page of this website.
- Feasibility of producing maple syrup in New Zealand. A paper published in the proceeding of the Chemeca conference.
- A detailed look at the mechanisms involved in maple sap exudation. A conference paper, published in Acta Horticulture, which was presented at the XI International Workshop on Sap Flow.
- Minimizing the energy requirements for the production of maple syrup. Published in the Journal of Food Engineering.
- A two-dimensional heat transfer model for predicting freeze-thaw events in sugar maple trees. A journal paper, published in the Agricultural and Forest Meteorology journal.
- Maple syrup in New Zealand. Published in Chemical Engineering Impact inAustralia and New Zealand, by the Institution of Chemical Engineers.